Let’s get down to business. Take a few minutes to share some important information about your company’s current process.

Chances are, if you’ve made it to this page you’ve already have some preliminary conversations with our team. First: thanks for your interest in ConnectSx! We believe in what we’re doing and we believe in our ability to deliver unmatched value to your business, your customers, and all the stakeholders in your value chain. 

In order to move things forward, we need some additional information from you. Please use the form below to share some of the critical pieces of data that will help us design an effective scope of work and an accurate pricing schedule that meets all your organization’s needs for inventory, case, and knowledge management.

If you would like to work on the questions offline before submitting the form, you can download a PDF of the questions below. If you have any questions during this process, please feel free to use the chat button in the lower right corner. You can also call us at +1 (708) 406.9865 to talk to a real human. 

ConnectSx Client Intake Form

Are you the primary decision maker in software purchase decisions?

Is the primary decision make already involved in/aware of this process?

What type of organization are you?

What type of sales reps do you employ?

Do your team members regularly use mobile devices?

What types of mobile devices do they use?

Do you have a current ERP system?

Do you have a CRM system?

Do you plan to expand/grow your team in the next 12 months?

If inventory is requested by a sales rep, how is that request made?

If inventory is being requested by your staff, how is that request typically made?

What information is collected when devices are used in a case?

How do you currently provide device usage documents to the provider?

What additional case outcome information is currently collected?

What is your current DSO (daily sales outstanding)?

Do you use or stock sterilely packaged items or other items with expirations?

In your current process, who can initiate an inventory transfer?

How do you train individuals and teams on your products?

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “not important at all” and 10 being “critically important,” how important is training to your current business?

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